Thursday 19 December 2013

Wearing Out the Wardrobe

I've never been an avid follower of fashion. Tell that to my poorly coordinated 11 year old self at the year 7 mufti day and I would have flipped. It was only some years later as I looked back on that day, seeing myself squeezed into a neon pink roll-necked t-shirt with a matching woolen neon pink cardigan that I realised I wasn't as fashionable as I had thought.

Fashion has never been my friend either. So many style changes in one year; a tight purse like mine never had a chance of keeping up!

Well, that was, until recently.

The style revolution and almost 'undoing' struck me as bizzare. When was it ever fashionable to wear trainers with skirts? I couldn't pinpoint when the change had struck or when, more to the point, everyone had begun to embrace it.

I thought it was a one-off. "Pumps will be back" I thought. But low and behold, out emerged yet another innovation for the wardrobe; jumpers and sequin skirts. looked nice. Suddenly, in one magazine spread, I could show my legs and be stylish rather than being the outcast on snow-days at school; the only girl in the whole of secondary still wearing skirts even when the snow had set in. It was a revolution!!

And now I sit here to write in a pair of Aztec patterned black and white leggings and a Victorian style turquoise chiffon, long-sleeved blouse and, since times have changed, I'll be alright to go out! I suppose, even if it's a mis-match once again, I've come a long way from those colour coordinated faux-pas days!  

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