Tuesday 31 December 2013

Obsession number 1

One of my BIGGEST obsessions in my life is this guy:

... my dog, Chester. 

He's absolutely gorgeous and I often find myself forgetting that he is actually a dog ... not a human. I get withdrawal symptoms on my lips when I'm away from him and I love how he smells in the morning. 

He was born on the Isle of Wight and we picked him up and took him home at 8 weeks old. He's now 4 years old. We were, probably, a family very unlikely to get a dog. I would often kid myself at the breakfast table patting an imaginary dog I called Jasper and thinking about what it would be like to have a dog. Our ownership of Chester came about when I scanned through a magazine on dogs and asked my parents if they'd like a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and then bought 2 dog bowls from 'Conkers' garden centre.  

We didn't end up with a King Charles for everything we'd heard about their health problems, but we looked at 2 pregnant Cocker Spaniel mothers and then their litter of puppies when we were staying with my Nan. 

And that's this little fella! My babies! 

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