Sunday 2 February 2014

Excuse my rude!

It's probably about time that I say this:

Thank you sooooooo much!!!

I want to let everyone who has supported me in reading my blog that the comments that you give me are one of the most precious things to me! I am absolutely thrilled that you guys love reading what I have to say and I'm so happy to be able to share what I have with you!

It really makes my mornings and days and weeks when people send me really positive feedback. I keep all the nice messages that I have in a folder on my computer because they mean so much to me! They really boost my morale and continue to give me the drive to pursue what I really love doing.

I once read that writers need readers and you really are that important to me. The more you read, the more I want to write.

Perhaps this sounds cheesy but I really can't say it any other way:

Without everyone who takes the time to plow through my thoughts, my writing would have no purpose. I would probably have returned to this inverted version of myself looking for the use that I could be.

So thank you, thank you, thank you!!! I know this is only a shade of the kind of happiness you make me feel but I hope that, by understanding how much I value your support, I have made your morning, day and/or week.

Thank you :D xx

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