Tuesday, 31 December 2013

I will! I will! (I won't...)

New year's resolutions - why even bother?

"I will get fit, I will eat less, I will buy that gym membership in the January and not in the October!"

When most of us make our resolutions it always has something to do with our bodies. Over-indulgence at Christmas. A soft rim of turkey fat pushing out of our jeans. Tastes mulled sweet and yearning for the next bank-breaking, calorie bursting sugar fest.

There's too much pressure. Why even bother?! 

The New Year is mean to make us feel good about ourselves. It's a way to encourage us to continue. Or at least that is what it has become. As humans of this race we are dependent on markers. Things to push us through and we think that by setting ourselves targets on January 1st will make all the difference when we can't even stick to the ones we set ourselves weekly.

New Year's is more of a tradition. To awe others with your resilience by giving up chocolate and visiting the gym 5 days a week. But by January 6th, or thereabouts, we're just ready to give up and pack it all in. To go back and adopt our old habits. If anything, rather than being a joyous occasion, we become conceited and self-concious. We pick out our faults that, had the 1st not arrived, we wouldn't have sought until an emotional break-down later on in the year.

So we could all save ourselves the agro and just not make those resolutions we can't stick to and take life by the horns. Let's offer ourselves the ability to change when things are actually going wrong, rather than just in case they do.


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