As he died, the gravity of Nelson Mandela's legacy was predictable. A human saviour. An embodiment of freedom. An aspiration. A dreamer. Of course, everyone was going to go crazy.
People take to the streets praising his revolution. The media settles in for weeks on end of analysis on his life and how we might take lessons from his teachings. And un-involved worldly populations, well, we just sit in the dark.
For South Africa, Mandela was a father of a nation and I came across an article which said that if the world had only one father, the suitable candidate for the role and bearer of the title would be the late Nelson Mandela. It is most probably true. A man who gave so much hope has left us. Alone. Perhaps he is above in Heaven, for those who believe. Or reincarnated, for those who think otherwise. But Nelson Mandela is no longer on this earth.
And now, if they choose, new people will become. New leaders with the same effect will take to the stands. Or will they?
We are so reliant on those who've already done. Those who've already become. We hardly ever think that they time will come when we must learn to be. When we must learn to do.
I suppose, in this immediate instance, we are vulnerable. We haven't got someone to hold our hand now. He's held it all this time. It's time for someone else to stand. Someone else to hold out their hand for others to take.
It's bizarre, how deep the sense of loss seems. His effect was undeniable. His lessons uncountable. But who will teach us next?
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