Friday 14 November 2014

Whiskey Starlight

Bonfire night is one of my absolute favourite times of the year! I love it! The dark, the fire, the colours, the warmth and, of course, the food! It's such a beautiful and happy time of year. 

I wanted to share my experience with you guys of the other weekend that I spent at my auntie and uncle's annual fireworks party but I couldn't quite represent the sentiment the same way with a piece of prose as I could with a poem. 

I'm not a natural poet by any stretch of the imagination but I think that even if you can't write poetry, there's something liberating about describing something in this way. The colours are the things that are special for me. In this one I really tried to focus on the orange glow of the fire and stars and the silky midnight hue of the night sky that's not as harsh as black but not as mellow as blue. 

Take a read: 


Whiskey starlight 
O'er the fields I see 
Ever stoking the fright
Of sheep and we 

Eat the mallows 
Fire-ripened down to their core 
Sleeps past All Hallows' 
Eve of life no more. 

Each golden juice pimple 
Sky's lantern anew 
The show of fifty a dimple
Smiles among people who 

Shout, laugh and chatter 
Pulling children from fire 
Caution never their matter 
As night becomes Sire. 

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