Wednesday, 13 August 2014

RECIPE: Peach Cakes

At the moment, peaches are my FAVOURITE fruit and one of my favourite flavours. So, as promised ...

Here's the recipe for these sweet and delicious peach cakes! (Taken and adapted from BBC Good Food)

Makes 6
Set oven to 200 degrees C

1) Whisk (by hand) 3 eggs with 100g brown sugar and a drop of vanilla essence until the mixture is combined and foamy (but not pale)

2) Melt 25g butter and pour into the above mixture

3) Whisk until combined

4) With a wooden spoon, fold in 100g wholemeal flour (or plain flour), 1 tsp baking powder, 25g ground almonds and a pinch of salt

5) Line a muffin tray with 6 paper cases (though, if you oil the dish well then you will not have to use paper cases - I found that the mixture stuck to the paper, but it could possibly stick to the dish too.)

6) Divide the mixture evenly between the 6

7) Place a heaped tsp of peach jam in the middle

8) Then, thinly slice 1 large or 2 small peaches and place about 3 slices on top of the cake mixture and jam

9) OPTIONAL: Sprinkle with flaked almonds (I forgot this step but it tasted good all the same)

10) Bake for 20 minutes until golden and fully cooked (insert a spike into the middle of the cake. If it comes out dry then the cake is fully cooked)

11) Remove from the tray and cool (You can also have this warm with ice-cream - vanilla - which I think would taste delightful! But, equally, as good as a cooled muffin)

TOP TIPS: Try this with various different fruits. Try strawberry jam or plum jam with sliced plum on top OR marmalade. The possibilities are endless!

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