Opinion; such a crucial word at uni. You can't get by if you don't have a view, haven't read opinions or debated alternating arguments. And so, for this reason, I'm absolutely loving uni!!!
I finished my first essay today (one of my finer moments). One of my guilty pleasures is analyzing - I absolutely LOVE it and so writing a critical analysis of a short text was most definitely a task I was willing to complete. Not even food could disturb me when I immersed myself. My stomach - for once - was challenged by my brain's over-riding desire to write and write well all of the perspectives I had on the book; the monosyllabic sound of the words counting down like seconds, the entrapment, the historical context. Every weird thought my mind conjured could contribute to something.
Another guilty pleasure, which has revealed itself at uni, is reading essays. Having studied To the Lighthouse by Virginia Woolf this week, I went into the library - head held high - and browsed the shelves. The first time I entered the uni library, I wanted to come out and cry. I had been equipped, reference call code in hand and the optimism of setting myself between hundred and hundreds of shelves of books spread between five floors.
P...P...ah, here we go. Now, I'm looking for PN...PN...
If you've ever entered the library alone, you'll know finding a book is hard. But, what's even harder, is when you walk in with the arrogance that I did and the derogatory glare of students - who already know they're way around the library and are well aware that you don't - following your trail. They all said that you get lost in the library, but I wasn't about to take their word for it.
Come on! I thought. I've been in hundreds of libraries. Of, course I'll be able to find the book.
Needless to say that when I didn't, I was on the border of tears. Betrayal kept streaming through my head. I had devouted so much time to books and now, a member of the same sub-group, couldn't reveal itself and let me read it. I felt dejected.
The next two weeks I distanced myself from the library. I glowered at it as I passed and went on a slight strike until I gathered the courage to go in and actually ask the librarian for directions.
I've now, touch wood, cracked the code and can find almost any novel that I've needed so far, including the current title I'm reading; Virginia Woolf; A room of one's own & Three guineas. I've got a fetish for essays now because I guess they're just like this blog; they mainly consist of ramblings and subjects as obscure as how to answer an essay question titled; women and fiction.
These enthused passions, I find, rather unique. How someone can write one hundred plus pages on answering a question is something I simply aspire to. I can't help the over-whelming desire I feel to write and then read what other people have written about writing. That's just so me!
So I can tell so far that I'm enjoying myself and so long as the library is good to me, then all will be well!!!
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